Why choose to invest in a Wall Power Gallery artwork?
Choosing to invest in artwork with Wall Power Gallery (WPG) is your first step in a wider journey. When you buy an original artwork from us there are some seriously powerful advantages:-
Ownership of the image. The artist assigns you the complete reproduction rights / copyright of the image. Once purchased you are at liberty exploit / use the image as you wish. WPG will soon be able to print and sell copies of the images you have bought on your behalf. This means that you should be able to earn more income from the prints than the cost of the original artwork. Just think about that for a moment, you buy an artwork, sell enough prints of the same artwork to more than cover the original cost of the artwork and still own both the original and the reproduction rights. The world of art investment changes forever.
Security. We apply a very secure suite of protection to every original artwork and print. Not even we can reproduce our own security so you can be sure that the ‘original’ you bought is exactly that. Our security is simple and obvious but economically unbreakable. This secures your investment forever and is far in excess of the security found on grand master paintings.
Replaceability - Should the worst happen an your art piece is destroyed, we can offer a complete perfect replacement that will stand as the original. See the ownership documentation for further details.
Authenticity - With the security features in place we are able to authenticate your original with certainty. We are also able to provide remote authenticity with a high degree of confidence.
Provenance - Our records will be maintained forever. We will encourage new owners of the pieces to register their ownership of the paintings and prints with us to create traceable and credible provenance for all of the art we offer. This is key to protecting your investment into the future.
Never has has the art world seen an offering such as this. WPG not only offers spectacular forward thinking art work but the pieces come to you with an extraordinary investment package. The more people invest in WPG the faster the artwork appreciates and the more we all generate more income and investment value. The are world is going to change and we fully intend to be at the tip of the spear. If you are looking to invest in a smart and agile proposition, then WPG is a good place to start.
Investing in WPG means investing in your future and together we are stronger.